Daniel Bultmann
Institute for Asian and African Studies
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Institute for Asian and African Studies
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Email: daniel.bultmann@hu-berlin.de
Institute of Asian and African Studies (IAAW)
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Unter den Linden 6
10099 Berlin
De:link//Re:link Project
Sino-Cambodian elites and the BRI

Research Interests
- Power elites and conflict
- Global sociology
- Social structures and inequalities
- Knowledge production on hard-to-access fields
Daniel Bultmann is a Heisenberg professor of “Global Sociology of Elite Conflicts” and a professor of “Southeast Asian Societies and Cultures” at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Since 2022, he has also served as the director of the Global Studies Programme (GSP). His research focuses on elite conflicts, transnational networks, armed groups, authoritarian transformations and hard-to-access fields in general, with a regional focus on Southeast Asia.
Selected Publications
- 2024. The Politics of Representation: Authenticity and Emotion in Tuol Sleng Visitor Books, Transcience 15 (1): 22-38.
- 2024. Purity and Control in Khmer Rouge Interrogators’ Notebooks and Confessions, in: S. Benzaquen-Gautier, A.-L. Porée & V. Sánchez-Biosca (eds.), Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum, Amsterdam: Brill, pp. 42-60.
- 2023. A Global and Diachronic Approach to the Study of Social Fields, Historical Social Research 48 (4): 81-103.
- 2023. With Makhortykh, M., Simon, D., Ulloa, R. & Zucker, E.M., Shall Androids Dream of Genocides? How Generative AI Can Change the Future of Memorialization of Mass Atrocities, Discover Artificial Intelligence 3 (28), online first.
- 2022. Elite Formation and Conflict in Thailand, Laos, and Cambodia, TRaNS: Trans-Regional and -National Studies of Southeast Asia, online first, pp. 1-13.
- 2020. S-21 as a Liminal Power Regime: Violently Othering Khmer Bodies into Vietnamese Minds, Genocide Studies and Prevention 14 (3): 11-26.
- 2018. The Social Order of Postconflict Transformation in Cambodia. Insurgent Pathways to Peace, Lanham: Lexington Books.
- 2018. The Social Structure of Armed Groups. Reproduction and Change during and after Conflict, Small Wars & Insurgencies 29 (4): 607-628.
- 2018. Insurgent Groups During Post-Conflict Transformation: The Case of Military Strongmen in Cambodia, Civil Wars 20 (1): 24-44.
- 2015. Inside Cambodian Insurgency. A Sociological Perspective on Civil Wars and Conflict, Burlington, VT/Farnham, UK: Ashgate.
- 2014. Analyzing the Cambodian Insurgency as a Social Field, Small Wars & Insurgencies 25 (2): 457-478.